Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Our Certificate 2 class has been working on reports investigating environmental sustainability.
This report has covered ways in how to manage our resources wisely at home which will help us save some energy and at the same time help our environment. According to a scientific research, people are living beyond the carrying capacity of earth and this is not good for our environment. People should be responsible enough and show effectiveness in managing their activities at home environmentally sustainable.
One way of helping our environment is by following some guidelines and rules that the council in your area imposes like for example the kerbside clean up and waste recycling guidelines. This will give us some knowledge in differentiating waste that is recyclable and not recyclable. We should also pay attention in our water and energy usage at home if it’s environmentally sustainable so we can be sure that we are not wasting our resources.
We all know that carbon pollution is one of the main focuses of the government now, which is why Campbelltown council made a Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission Plan which will inform the community the activities and projects that are successful in reducing gas emissions. In this way people will have knowledge on how they can take part in reducing carbon pollution and save our environment.

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