Friday 20 June 2008

NEW LIFE Migrant Youth Access Course Celebration

On Thursday the 19th June 2008, the Migrant Youth Access course students had a big celebration as part of Refugee Week. Our class and some of the teachers made speeches and their speeches were wonderful.

First Andrew spoke to our guests and showed everyone emergency exits and toilets and then some of the students gave their speeches. After that our class performed our song about friends and then some of our guests made their speeches. Then the Migrant Youth Group two performed their song about the weekend. Then Phong showed the audio visual that he recorded with our class and Migrant Group two while we were painting and while we were making our songs and dances. Finally the Karen youth group danced and we showed our paintings. Then everyone had some delicious food and enjoyed their day.

I really liked it and it was fantastic day for me.


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